Ashok During AAAI 2024 Panel

Feb 28, 2024 — Recap of the panel session titled “AI Strategic Initiatives and Policies,” held on Friday, February 23, 2024. During this session, experts discussed how AI is reshaping the global economy and security and how different countries are responding with strategic initiatives and policies.

The session covered various topics, starting with an overview of the US NSF’s National AI Institutes Program by Jim Donlon.

Ashok Goel, Director of AI-ALOE, shared insights into a specific National AI Institute, giving practical examples of how these institutes operate.

Michael Littman, who currently serving as Division Director for Information and Intelligent Systems at the National Science Foundation, talked about how the US structures and processes its national strategic initiatives in AI, providing a clear understanding of how policies are developed. Kiri Wagstaff, a machine learning researcher, educator, and AAAI Fellow, focused on current and potential AI-related policies in the US, highlighting what areas are being emphasized. Toby Walsh, Chief Scientist of UNSW.AI, UNSW’s new AI Institute, compared these US initiatives and policies with those of other countries, giving attendees a global perspective on AI strategies.

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