At the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence with educational paradigms, our institute champions innovative research that spans a variety of domains within AI and education, particularly emphasizing adult learning and online education. Our publications delve into the complexities of designing AI systems that support and enhance learning experiences for adults, leveraging the latest advancements in technology to tailor educational content and methodologies to the needs of lifelong learners.

Our work also explores the broader implications of AI in educational settings, from ethical considerations and participatory design to the development of robust technological infrastructures that facilitate online learning. Through our rigorous research, we aim to contribute valuable insights and practical solutions that address the challenges and opportunities presented by the intersection of AI and education.

For those interested in a deeper dive into our research contributions, we invite you to explore  AI-ALOE on Google Scholar. Here, you will find a complete list of our publications, showcasing the breadth and depth of our work in this dynamic field. Whether you are a fellow researcher, an educator, or simply someone passionate about educational innovation, our publications offer a window into the innovative approaches we are taking to shape the future of AI and education.