September 16, 2024 — Qiaosi “Chelsea” Wang successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation, “Mutual Theory of Mind for Human-AI Communication in AI-Mediated Social Interaction,” September 2024. Her research introduces the Mutual Theory of Mind (MToM) framework, which enhances AI-human communication by breaking down the process into three stages: AI’s construction of the human’s interpretation, the human’s recognition of AI’s interpretation, and AI’s revision of its interpretation. This framework aims to improve AI’s responsiveness and mitigate negative perceptions by offering design guidelines for AI systems in social interactions.

Wang’s dissertation includes empirical studies on AI’s social roles and capabilities, particularly in large-scale learning environments. Her findings address how AI systems use ToM-like capabilities to offer personalized recommendations and how AI’s (mis)interpretations affect human responses. Her work provides valuable insights into designing AI systems that better align with human perceptions and improve communication outcomes.


  • Ashok K. Goel (Advisor), Georgia Institute of Technology, AI-ALOE
  • Munmun De Choudhury, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Elizabeth N. Disalvo, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Q. Vera Liao, Microsoft Research
  • Lauren G. Wilcox, eBay & Georgia Institute of Technology

On behalf of AI-ALOE, we are proud to celebrate this milestone and Dr. Wang’s contributions to advancing AI-mediated communication!

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